June 30, 2014
WordPress On IIS: Permissions, Updates, Permalinks
While it's not ideal (I prefer NGINX), sometimes you do need to run a WordPress site on a Windows Server running IIS. Here are a few common problems and solutions for running WordPress on IIS. I...
ReadMay 29, 2014
Install Elasticsearch in 5 Minutes on Digital Ocean
This is a short tutorial to install Elasticsearch in 5 minutes on Ubuntu in a Digital Ocean droplet. I've been working with WordPress for a long time and what really got me hooked in the early days...
ReadMay 10, 2013
3 Things You Should Know Before You Advertise On Twitter
There are three basic concepts you need to learn when start to advertise on twitter. Twitter advertising is quite simple to setup with their basic dashboard - much easier than Google Adwords. Once...
ReadFebruary 16, 2013
How To Move From Posterous To WordPress
This week Posterous announced it would be shutting it's doors. This leaves many bloggers (including this one) looking for another solution. I had setup my personal site and a podcast site on...