
April 15, 2015

Add Terms and Conditions to Restrict Content Pro

TL;DR - I wrote a WordPress plugin to add Terms and Conditions to the registration form when using the Restrict Content Pro plugin . I just recently built a WordPress membership site using the...


January 26, 2015

Using WordPressSharp To Publish A Post

This is a brief intro to using WordPressSharp to publish a post with C# via the WordPress XML-RPC API. A few notes... the 'PostType' property of the Post class can be set to either "post" or "page"...


October 7, 2014

WordPress Plugin: Open Files In New Tab or Window

On a recent WordPress project I had a requirement that any files be opened in a new tab or window. Now this can be easily accomplished by the users when they create the post or page by linking to...


October 2, 2014

Easy KnockoutJS Pagination with Data Tables

Data Tables makes it super easy to add pagination, searching, and sorting to tabular data bound with KnockoutJS TL;DR: DataTables provides simple pagination, sorting, and searching capabilties to...
