
July 13, 2014

Hosted Elasticsearch Recommendations

I've blogged about installing Elasticsearch and securing Elasticsearch. But what about hosted Elasticsearch? There are several great options out there if you don't want to deal with managing a...


July 11, 2014

Securing Elasticsearch

Securing Elasticsearch is extremely important if you are running it in production. I learned the hard way. By design, security is not built into Elasticsearch. They leave it up to you as the...


June 30, 2014

WordPress On IIS: Permissions, Updates, Permalinks

While it's not ideal (I prefer NGINX), sometimes you do need to run a WordPress site on a Windows Server running IIS. Here are a few common problems and solutions for running WordPress on IIS. I...


May 29, 2014

Install Elasticsearch in 5 Minutes on Digital Ocean

This is a short tutorial to install Elasticsearch in 5 minutes on Ubuntu in a Digital Ocean droplet. I've been working with WordPress for a long time and what really got me hooked in the early days...
